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Businesses Worldwide

Black-Owned of course.

Every Black-Owned business we connect with is featured on our directory. Explore and support Black businesses that are nearby. Remember that the black dollar cycles 1.2 trillion dollars annually. Recycle the Black dollar to build up our culture & communities!

We are depending on you.

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Restaurants | Shops/Stores | Real-Estate | Firms | Medical/Dental | And More


TheProudBlackBrand plans to visit as many Black-Owned restaurants as possible. Get your taste buds set to experience different foods prepared by our own worldwide.

Peacefully Made

Raleigh, NC

A Black-owned business ran by a lovely couple who shares a passion for vegan meals. Peacefully Made has found a way to keep the enriched Black culture & vegan eateries into one mix. Enjoy and tell the staff there we sent you, they are great people who treat you like family.


Soul Good Vegan Cafe

Durham, NC

Catered to the vegans of the world, and of course the people who want to try something different, Soul Good has found a way to keep the enriched Black culture & vegan eateries into one mix. Enjoy and tell the staff there we sent you, they are very friendly.

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